Hello. I have some urgent news to share with you, so I'll save the discussion about the Heartstrings production process for next time—please look forward to it.
Now, suddenly, but I’ve been given the opportunity to set up a booth at a four-hour event called "Arts On Terry," which will be held on September 22 in a town called Patchogue, located in Long Island in NY. In this newsletter, I’ll explain how to apply to participate in my booth. But before that, let me tell you how this opportunity came about.
さて、突然ですが、今月9月22日にロングアイランドのパチョーグという街で開催される「Arts On Terry」という4時間限りのイベントにブースを構える機会をいただきました。そこで、今回のニュースレターでは、私のブースへの参加申し込み方法について解説します。その前に、なぜこのような経緯に至ったのかをお話ししましょう。
Why booth? なぜブースだすの?
I’m not exactly a collector, but I do enjoy going to flea markets and craft fairs. When you visit a market, you can really sense the lives of the people who live there and the local culture. Vintage items, collectibles, and artists from various genres set up booths. The vendors engage in friendly conversations with the visitors, creating a sense of community. Although I’m not very good at interacting with people, I’ve always had a bit of interest in these kinds of activities.
At larger markets, you’ll sometimes find people who bring full-fledged equipment in trailers and camp while they’re there. When I was a child, I was interested in becoming a professional bass fisherman in the U.S., so I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of towing a boat or a camper and traveling while working. Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to that atmosphere. By the way, the car I started driving seven years ago was chosen because it has the power to tow a camper, although I’ve never actually towed anything yet. Despite this, since last autumn, I’ve been imagining myself setting up a booth at an outdoor market, and somewhere deep down, I’ve wanted to make that a reality this year.
So, I asked a friend organizing the art fair "Arts on Terry" event in Long Island in September if it would be possible to participate not only with an individual booth but also as a group centered around a specific theme. She quickly secured a spot for me as a cultural partner, which left me a bit flustered by how fast it all happened. Given this wonderful opportunity, I thought it would be great to create a festive atmosphere together with those who regularly read my newsletter and those I’ve connected with through social media. Therefore, I decided to invite those who are interested to submit their works for a collective display.
そこで、ロングアイランドの知り合いが9月に主催している「Arts on Terry」について、個人の作品ブースだけでなく、あるテーマに沿ったグループでの参加も可能かどうか聞いてみたところ、cultural partnerとして場所を確保していただけることになりました。その即決ぶりに、こちらが少し慌ててしまったほどです。
About Arts on Terry (AOT) について
Arts on Terry (AOT) is an annual contemporary art fair organized by the Long Island Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA L.I.), catering to all age groups. The event takes place on Terry Street, the official art district of Patchogue. The fair will be held on September 22, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Although it lasts only four hours, more than 300 artists will participate, showcasing works representing their communities across over 17 pop-up galleries, more than 25 individual booths, and 12 street artists. In 2024, even more organizations and artists are expected to join, offering a full day of activities including art exhibitions, demonstrations, live painting, family-friendly activities, live music, poetry readings, and performances.
For more information 詳しくはこちらへ
https://patchoguearts.org/arts-on-terry-artist-opportunities/Arts on Terry (AOT)は、ロングアイランド現代美術館 (MoCA L.I.) が主催する、あらゆる年齢層を対象とした毎年恒例の現代アートフェアで、パッチョーグ町の公式アート地区であるテリー通りで開催されます。開催日時は、2024 年 9 月 22 日午後 1 時から午後 5 時まで。4時間限りですが、300人以上のアーティストが参加し、それぞれのコミュニティを代表する作品が17以上のポップアップギャラリーや25以上の個別ブース、12以上のストリートアーティストによって展示されます。2024年には、さらに多くの団体やアーティストが参加し、アート作品の展示のほか、デモンストレーション、ライブペインティング、家族向けアクティビティ、ライブ音楽、詩の朗読、パフォーマンスなど、1日中楽しめるイベントが開催されます。
Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their work to a broad audience. Even those participating remotely can reach a wide audience through promotions on the official AOT website and social media channels. This event offers a valuable opportunity to gain new inspiration for your art and to present your work. It’s an excellent chance to share your art and support your future endeavors, even if you can’t attend the event in person.
参加者の皆さんの作品は、広い観客に見てもらう機会が提供されます。また、AOTの公式サイトやSNSでのプロモーションを通じて、リモートでの参加でも自分の作品を多くの人に届けることが可能です。 またこのイベントは、アートに対する新たなインスピレーションを得たり、自身の作品を発表する貴重な機会です。直接会場に足を運ばなくても、自分のアートを広め、今後の活動に役立てるための良いチャンスとなるでしょう。
Exhibition method 展示会場について
This will be my first time setting up a booth at an art fair so it will probably be chaotic. However, even amidst the chaos, I believe that if we focus on a single theme and gather works that reflect that theme, a sense of unity will emerge.
The world today seems more chaotic than it has been in decades, and it feels like we’re more often at odds with each other than understanding one another, which is a sad reality. In response, I would like to invite you all to submit works centered around the theme of "peace," something that might bring a smile to someone’s face or make them take a deep breath and reflect.
Given the short preparation time and the fact that there are some costs involved, I plan to request a participation fee to help cover these expenses.
The exhibition booth we’ve been allocated is one of the main areas inside a large tent, forming a U-shaped space with three walls, each 3 meters wide and 1.8 meters high. The tent walls will be made of metal grid panels.
First, on the first wall, I plan to introduce Japanese artists under the title Japanese Artists for Peace: A Digital Showcase. Initially, I intended to focus on NFT artists, but I’ve decided to open it to anyone who can prepare their participating work for display on an iPad or similar device. On the table below the iPads, I will compile a one-page profile submitted by each artist into a binder for display. The participation fee for the iPad digital display starts at $12. If you wish to sell prints of the exhibited works, please check the details when applying. Of course, the sales proceeds, minus a handling fee, will be returned to the artists partially.
まず、一つ目の壁には、Japanese Artists for Peace: A Digital Showcaseと題して日本の作家さんを紹介しようと考えています。当初はNFT作家さんに絞る予定でしたが、iPadなどの展示方法に参加作品を準備できる方を対象としたいと思います。展示するiPadの下に置かれるテーブルには、各作家から提出していただいたプロフィールを1ページずつバインダーにまとめてご紹介します。このiPadデジタル展示の参加費は$12からです。展示作品の複製プリントの販売を希望される方は、申込時に詳細をご確認ください。もちろん、手数料を差し引いた売上金の一部はアーティストに還元されます。
On the second wall, we will display a Piece of Peace, created using a mail art format, sent with wishes for peace. Participation is free. This exhibit is part of a sister event, which is currently also accepting submissions in Tokyo and Yamanashi. The cards will be hung on strings attached to the wall with clips, allowing visitors to handle them and read the messages on both sides.
二つ目の壁には、平和の願いを込めて送っていただくメールアート形式のa Piece of Peaceを展示します。参加費は無料です。この展示は、現在東京や山梨でも受付が始まっているピースカード展の姉妹イベントの一環となります。展示方法は、届いたカードを壁に張った紐にクリップでぶら下げ、来場者が手に取って表裏のメッセージを読めるようにします。
Finally, the third wall will feature works by local artists, mainly those who are close to me.
Instead of just having digital images displayed on an iPad, I will provide an artist binder to make it easier for viewers to find the artists. Participants will need to prepare their own English profiles, but I encourage using tools like Google Translate / ChatGPT to help promote themselves to an international audience.
ただ単にiPadでデジタル画像が表示されるのではなく、アーティストバインダーを用意することで、観客がアーティストを見つけやすくなります。参加者は英語のプロフィールなどを自分で用意する必要がありますが、Google TranslateやChatGPTなどを活用して、海外の観客にも自分の存在をアピールしていただければと思います。
How to submit your work 参加方法
With that said, I am seeking submissions for two categories at my booth, "Peace Connections." Please apply through the respective links below.
ということで、今回私が主催するブース「Peace Connections」では、以下二つを募集します。それぞれのリンクから申し込みをしてください。
a Piece of Peace — 平和のひとひら —
[ English 日本語 PDF Link: https://bit.ly/aPoPeace2024 ]
Open to everybody. We are inviting artists to submit postcards that express peace, hope, and love. This is a sister event to the Peace Card Exhibition currently being held in Tokyo and Yamanashi. Please download and read the details in the PDF linked. Arrived by September 19, 2024
誰でも参加できます。平和や希望、愛を表現したポストカードの送付を募集しています。現在、東京、山梨でも募集をされているピースカード展の姉妹イベント。詳細は上記のPDFをダウンロードしてお読みください。9月19日必着。Japanese Artists for Peace: A Digital Showcase
[ 参加申込み先Google Form: https://forms.gle/woZVo7hnLTCryPH98 ]Eligibility: Japanese artists / 対象:日本人アーティスト
参加費有料($12~) 平和をテーマとしたイラストレーションや絵画等を、デジタルフォーマットで申し込みいただける作品を募集しております。米国時間9月15日(日本時間9/16_13:00)を目処にデータアップロードを完了してください。
So, how did that sound to you? I often hear, "I'd like to participate, but I'm not really sure what peace means." Perhaps the reason peace seems unclear is because you live in an environment where you don't have to consciously think about it. If you were to express peace in such an environment, it might seem difficult. But how about trying this approach? Draw a picture of a moment from your everyday life. When that simple, ordinary scene reaches someone on the other side of the world, it could become a small piece of peace, conveying a gentle wish for tranquility.
さて、いかがでしたでしょうか? 「参加したい気持ちはあるけれど、平和ってよくわからない」という声をよくいただきます。平和を意識しなくてもよい環境にいるからこそ、平和について考える機会が少ないのかもしれません。そのような環境で平和を表現するのは難しいですよね。そこで、こんなアプローチを提案します。普段の生活の一コマを絵に描いてみてください。その何気ない日常が、地球の裏側の誰かに届いた時、それが平和のひとひらとして、安らかな願いを伝えるきっかけになるかもしれません。
The Peace Card Exhibition at the Philia Museum has already begun. Cards will be displayed as they arrive. We look forward to your participation in the Tokyo exhibition and at my booth in Long Island as well. The deadline for submitting digital works for iPad is September 15th (EDT). If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message. I’ll keep you updated. Thank you for reading.
If you would like to send your Peace Card to the two venues in Japan, please refer to the address below.
Yamanashi: The exhibition will run until September 23rd.
To: Philia Museum "PEACE CARD 2024 Philia Exhibition"
3476-76 Kamisasao, Kobuchisawa-cho, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi 408-0041
Tokyo: The exhibition will be held from Mon, October 21st to Sat, October 26th.
To: MAYA2 "PEACE CARD 2024 Tokyo Exhibition"
2-10-26 Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061